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Proceedings of the Radio Meteor School : Osstmalle, Belgium 10 - 14 September 2005

[edited by Cis Verbeek and Jean-Marc Wislez].

Hove : The International Meteor Organization, ©2006.

128 págs. : ilustraciones ; 30 cm.

ISBN: 2873550171

Proceedings of the Radio Meteor School 2005

Título de tapa.

Contenido parcial

  • Basic elements of meteor stream theory
  • The physics of meteoroid ablation and the formation of ionized meteor trails
  • Processing of radar observations 1: sporadic background, detection threshold, radar sensitivity
  • Procesing of radar observations 2: Determination of the meteoroid flux density
  • Procesing of radar observations 3: calculation of meteoroid flux density and mass index
  • Forward scatter meteor observations
  • Meteoroid streams: mathematical modeling and observations
  • Basic radio interferometry
  • Using EZNEC for calculating antenna characteristics
  • Meteor astronomy using a forward scatter set-up
  • Meteor forward scattering at multiple frequencies
  • Brainstorm meeting on radio meteor data storage format
  • Radio meteor data storage in FITS format: METFITS
Registro 000167 · Modificado: 07/11/2008

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