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Artículo de revista

Synergies in extragalactic and Galactic jet research

Gustavo E. Romero.

Serie: Trabajos publicados del IAR ; no. 1280

Extragalactic Jets from Every Angle. Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 313, 2015 F. Massaro, et al., eds.

Resumen: The discovery of relativistic jets and superluminal sources associated with accreting X-ray binaries in the Galaxy opened new ways of investigating the physics of outflows from compact objects. The short timescales and relatively large angular sizes of Galactic jets allow to probe the physics of relativistic outflows to unprecedented details. In this article I discuss results of recent modelling of Galactic jets, covering both radiative and dynamical aspects, which can shed light on different features of their extragalactic cousins.

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Registro 001423 · Modificado: 30/08/2016

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