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Búsqueda por autor: Royal Greenwich Observatory.
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Carlsberg meridian catalogue. La Palma.

Cádiz : Servicio Publicaciones Armada. Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada, 1985-1994.

8 vols. ; 29 cm.


  • no. 1: Observations of positions of stars and planets in the year 1984
  • no. 2: Observations of positions of stars and planets in the year 1985
  • no. 3: Observations of positions of stars and planets in the year 1986
  • no. 4: Observations of positions of stars and planets May 1984 to February 1988
  • no. 5: Observations of positions of stars and planets May 1988 to Decembre 1989
  • no. 6: Observations of positions of stars and planets 1990
  • no. 7: Observations of positions of stars and planets January 1991 to August 1992
  • no. 8: Observations of positions of stars and planets in the year August 1992 to December 1993
Registro 000611 · Modificado: 08/04/2011

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