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Búsqueda por número de registro: 000351

IRE transactions on microwave theory and techniques.

Vol. MTT –3, no. 2 (Mar. 1955) –v. MTT –10, no. 6 (Nov. 1962).

New York, N.Y. : Professional Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Institute of Radio Engineers, ©1953-©1963.

8 vols. : ilustraciones ; 28 cm.

ISSN: 0097-2002

Continuación de: Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques

Continuado por: IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques

I.R.E. transactions on microwave theory and techniques

Transactions on microwave theory and techniques

Microwave theory and techniques

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Registro 000351 · Modificado: 06/04/2011

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