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Neutron production in black hole coronae and proton loading of jets

Gabriela S. Vila, Florencia L. Vieyro, and Gustavo E. Romero.

Serie: Trabajos publicados del IAR ; no. 1266

Resumen: We study the production of neutrons in the corona of an accreting black hole through the interaction of locally accelerated protons with matter and radiation. A fraction of these neutrons may escape and penetrate into the base of the jet, later decaying into protons. This is a possible mechanism for loading Poynting-dominated outflows with baryons. We characterize the spatial and energy distribution of neutrons in the corona and that of the protons injected in the jet by neutron decay. We assess the contribution of these protons to the radiative spectrum of the jet. We also investigate the fate of the neutrons that escape the corona into the external medium

Publicado en

International journal of modern physics conference series — World Scientific ISSN 2010-1945 — Vol. 28, (2014), p. 601911-601916
Registro 001406 · Modificado: 15/07/2015

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