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Multiwavelength and astrometric study of the DBS-89-90-91 embedded clusters region

M.A. Corti ... [et al.].

Serie: Trabajos publicados del IAR ; no. 1738

Resumen: Aims. Our main targets were to improve the understanding of the main properties of G316.8-0.1 (IRAS 14416-5937) radio source where the DBS 89-90-91 embedded clusters are located, to identify the stellar population present in this region, and to study the interaction of these stars with the interstellar medium. Methods. We analyzed some characteristics of the G316.8-0.1 radio source consulting the SUMSS to study the radio continuum emission at 843 MHz and the H I SGPS at 21 cm. We also used photometric data at the JHK bands in the region of DBS 89-90-91 clusters obtained from the VVV survey and supplemented with 2MASS catalogue. The investigation of possible stars associated with the H II region was complemented with the astrometric analysis using the Gaia Early Data Release 3. To study the young stellar objects we consulted the mid-infrared photometric information from WISE, Spitzer-GLIMPSE Surveys, and MSX point source catalog. Results. The photometric and astrometric research carried out in the IRAS 14416-5937 region allowed us to improve the knowledge about the DBS 89-90-91 embedded clusters and their interaction with the interstellar medium. In the case of DBS 89 cluster, we identified 9 astrophotometric candidate members and 19 photometric candidate members, whereas of DB S 90-91 clusters we found 18 candidate photometric members. We obtained a distance value for DBS 89 linked to G316.8-0.1 radio source of 2.9 (0.5) kpc. We also investigated 12 Class I YSOc, 35 Class II YSOc, 2 MYSOc and 1 CH II region distributed throughout the IRAS 14416-5937 region. Our analysis revealed that the G316.8-0.1 radio source is optically thin at frequency > 0.56 GHz. The H II regions G316.8-0.1-A and G316.8-0.1-B have similar radii and ionized hydrogen masses of 0.5 pc and 35 M, respectively

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Astronomy and astrophysics ISSN 0004-6361 — Vol. (2023), p.
Registro 001955 · Modificado: 24/04/2023

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