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On the ontology of spacetime : substantivalism, relationism, eternalism, and emergence

Gustavo E. Romero.

Serie: Trabajos publicados del IAR ; no. 1425

Resumen: I present a discussion of some issues in the ontology of spacetime. After a characterisation of the controversies among relationists, substantivalists, eternalists, and presentists, I offer a new argument for rejecting presentism, the doctrine that only present objects exist. Then, I outline and defend a form of spacetime realism that I call event substantivalism. I propose an ontological theory for the emergence of spacetime from more basic entities (timeless and spaceless `events'). Finally, I argue that a relational theory of pre-geometric entities can give rise to substantival spacetime in such a way that relationism and substantivalism are not necessarily opposed positions, but rather complementary. In an appendix I give axiomatic formulations of my ontological views.

Publicado en

Foundations of Science ISSN 1572-8471 — Vol. 22, (2017), p. 141–159
Registro 001601 · Modificado: 01/02/2018

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