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Present time

Gustavo E. Romero.

Serie: Trabajos publicados del IAR ; no. 1265

Resumen: The idea of a moving present or `now' seems to form part of our most basic beliefs about reality. Such a present, however, is not reflected in any of our theories of the physical world. I show in this article that presentism, the doctrine that only what is present exists, is in conflict with modern relativistic cosmology and recent advances in neurosciences. I argue for a tenseless view of time, where what we call `the present' is just an emergent secondary quality arising from the interaction of perceiving self-conscious individuals with their environment. I maintain that there is no flow of time, but just an ordered system of events

Publicado en

Foundations of Science — Springer ISSN 1233-1821 — Vol.1403 (2014) p. 4671
Registro 001407 · Modificado: 03/07/2014

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