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Observaciones combinadas XMM-Newton/Chandra del remanente de supernova G306.3-0.9

A. Filócomo ... [et al.].

Serie: Trabajos publicados del IAR ; no. 1379

Resumen: In this paper we study the spatial and spectral distribution of the physical and chemical properties of the supernova remnant G306.3-0.9 by using data of the X-rays telescopes XMM-Newton and Chandra, which we complement with radio and infrared information in order to study the morphology of the source and the effect of the shock wave in the interestelar medium. The results show a non-uniform morphology of the emission, dominated by thermal radiation with high values of Ne, Mg, S, Ca, Ar and Fe in the central region, typical of ejecta material. Also, using an infrared flux distribution, we could restrict the type of the progenitor responsible of the supernova phenomena

Publicado en

Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía ISSN 0571-3285 — Vol. 58, (2016), p. 234-236
Registro 001529 · Modificado: 29/11/2016

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