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Búsqueda por autor: Ballai, I.
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British-Romanian-Hungarian N+N+N workshop for young researchers on plasma- and Astrophysics : from laboratory to outer space

edited by I. Ballai, E. Forgács-Dajka, A. Marcu [and] K. Petrovay.

Budapest : Department of Astronomy of the Eötvös University, 2005.

236 págs. : ilustraciones ; 23 cm.

Serie: Publications of the Astronomy Department of the Eötvös Loránd University ; Vol. 15

ISBN: 963463557


  • Physics of space plasmas and coronal heating
  • Waves and oscillations in space plasmas
  • Physics of laboratory plasmas
  • Galactic and extragalactic astrophysics
  • Dynamics of celestial objects
Registro 000076 · Modificado: 04/12/2012

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