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Búsqueda por autor: Kerr, Frank J.
Mostrando 1-5 de 5 resultados, ordenados por
Grayzeck, Edwin John.
1. Investigation of the spiral structure of the Crux-Centaurus-Circinus-Norma region of the Milky Way by means of long-period Cepheids. 1974 Tesis
Kerr, Frank J.
2. Figures for "Parkes Hydrogen-Line Survey of the Milky Way, 11", plus some additional ones. 1968 Libro
Sandquist, Ange.
3. Lunar occultations of the galactic center region in HI, OH and CH²O lines. 1971 Tesis
Autores varios
4. Galactic radio astronomy. 1974 Libro
5. The galaxy and the Magellanic clouds. 1964 Libro

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