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Discovery of a deep Seyfert-2 galaxy at z = 0.222 behind NGC 300

J. A. Combi ... [et al.].

Serie: Trabajos publicados del IAR ; no. 1365

Resumen: We report on the unveiling of the nature of the unidentified X-ray source 3XMM J005450.3–373849 as a Seyfert 2 galaxy located behind the spiral galaxy NGC 300 using Hubble Space Telescope data, new spectroscopic Gemini observations and available XMM-Newton and Chandra data. We show that the X-ray source is positionally coincident with an extended optical source, composed by a marginally resolved nucleus/bulge, surrounded by an elliptical disc-like feature and two symmet- rical outer rings. The optical spectrum is typical of a Seyfert 2 galaxy redshifted to z = 0.222±0.001, which confirms that the source is not physically related to NGC 300. At this redshift the source would be located at 909±4 Mpc (comoving distance in the standard model). The X-ray spectra of the source are well-fitted by an absorbed power- law model. By tying NH between the six available spectra, we found a variable index Γ running from ∼2 in 2000-2001 years, to 1.4–1.6 in the 2005-2014 period. Alternatively, by tying Γ, we found variable absorption columns of NH ∼ 0.34 × 10−22 cm−2 in 2000-2001 years, and 0.54 − 0.75 × 10−22 cm−2 in the 2005-2014 period. Although we cannot distinguish between an spectral or absorption origin, from the derived unab- sorbed X-ray fluxes, we are able to assure the presence of long-term X-ray variability. Furthermore, the unabsorbed X-ray luminosities of 0.8 − 2×1043 erg s−1 derived in the X-ray band are in agreement with a weakly obscured Seyfert-2 AGN at z ≈ 0.22.

Publicado en

Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society — Oxford University Press ISSN 0035-8711 — Vol. 460, (2016), p. 1640-1644
Registro 001519 · Modificado: 15/09/2016

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