1. |
Estudios de remanentes de supernova en medios altamente inhomogeneos / Alejandra E. Suárez.
2017 |
Tesis |
016 SUA
2. |
The universe in X-rays / Joachim E. Trèumper, Gèunther Hasinger (eds.).
2008 |
Libro |
142 TRU
3. |
Cosmic gamma-ray sources.
2004 |
Libro |
066.007 CHE
4. |
Very high energy cosmic gamma radiation : a crucial window on the extreme universe.
2004 |
Libro |
143.007 AHA
5. |
Neutron stars in supernova remnants.
2002 |
Libro |
067.008 AST
6. |
Historical supernovae and their remnants / F. Richard Stephenson, David A. Green.
2002 |
Libro |
125 STE
7. |
Determinación en la distribución de HI en dirección a la fuente galáctica G284.3-1.8.
2001 |
Tesis |
016.170 NUZ
8. |
Relevamiento a gran escala del hemisferio sur en el continuo de radio en 1420 MHz y su aplicación al estudio en la región de la nebulosa de Gum.
2001 |
Tesis |
016.170 TES
9. |
The hot universe.
1998 |
Libro |
006.174 HOT
10. |
High energy particle acceleration and turbulent magnetic field amplification in shell-type supernova remnants : a thesis submitted to the faculty of the graduate school of the University of Minnesota / by Jonathan Wilmore Keohane.
1998 |
Tesis |
016 KEO
11. |
Supernovae and stellar wind in the interstellar medium.
1992 |
Libro |
12. |
Galactic and intergalactic magnetic fields : proceedings of the 140th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union held in Heidelberg, F. R. G., June 19-23, 1989 / edited by R. Beck, P. P. Kronberg, and R. Wielebinski.
1990 |
Libro |
13. |
Supernova remnants and the interstellar medium.
1988 |
Libro |
14. |
The origin and evolution of neutron stars : proceedings of the 125th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Nanjing, China, May 26-30, 1986 / edited by D.J. Helfand and J.-H. Huang.
1987 |
Libro |
15. |
The interaction of supernovae with the interstellar medium.
1985 |
Tesis |
16. |
Supernovae as distance indicators.
1985 |
Libro |
17. |
1985 |
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18. |
Structure and evolution of the Magellanic Clouds / edited by Sidney van den Bergh and Klaas S. de Boer.
1984 |
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19. |
Temas selectos de astrofísica.
1984 |
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20. |
Supernova remnants and their X-ray emission.
1983 |
Libro |