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Charged Proca Stars.

Federico García, Ignacio Salazar Landea.

Serie: Trabajos publicados del IAR ; no. 1403

Resumen: In this paper, we study gauged solutions associated to a massive vector field representing a spin-one condensate, namely the Proca field. We focus on regular spherically-symmetric solutions which we construct either using a self-interaction potential or general relativity in order to glue the solutions together. We start generating non-gravitating solutions, so-called, Proca Q-balls and charged Proca Q-balls. Then, we turn-on backreaction on the metric, allowing gravity to hold together the Proca condensate, to study the so-called Proca stars, charged Proca stars, Proca Q-stars and charged Proca Q-stars.

Publicado en

Physical review D — American Physical Society ISSN 2470-0010 — Vol. 94, Issue 10, (2016), p. 1004006
Registro 001567 · Modificado: 15/08/2017

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