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Neutron escape from microquasar jets

G. J. Escobar, L. J. Pellizza, G. E. Romero.

Serie: Trabajos publicados del IAR ; no. 1569

Resumen: The launching mechanism and compn of astrophysical jets are still open proen problems. If relativistic protons are present in these jets, then energetic neutrons should be produced. Since neutrons are not affected by magnetic fields, they should escape the jet and decay outside. In this work we introduce the relativistic neutron component in the model of a microquasar jet. We find that observable signatures are too weak for current instruments, but a steady escape of secondary charged particles from the decay region might contribute to the population of Galactic cosmic rays.

Publicado en

Boletìn de la Asociacion Argentina de Astronomía ISSN 0571-3285 — Vol. 61C, (2020), p. 5050
Registro 001749 · Modificado: 30/09/2021

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