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Interactions of jets and clumpy stellar winds in high-mass microquasars

A. T. Araudo, V. Bosch-Ramon, G. E. Romero.

Serie: Trabajos publicados del IAR ; no. 953

Resumen: There is strong observational evidence supporting the inhomogeneous nature of the winds of massive stars. In high-mass microquasars, the inhomogeneities (or clumps) of the primary star wind can interact with the jet launched from the compact object. The clumps of the wind can penetrate into the jet creating shocks and therefore accelerating particles. These relativistic particles will interact with the ambient photon, magnetic and matter fields, generating radiation from radio to gamma-rays with a specific temporal signature. The broadband electromagnetic emission can provide information, not only on the high-energy processes occurring in microquasar jets, but also on the structure of the winds of massive stars. The TeV flares sporadically detected in some binary systems could be explained by the proposed model

Publicado en

Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía. — Vol. 51, (2008), p. 305-308. ISSN 0571-3285
Registro 001049 · Modificado: 06/02/2012

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