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Búsqueda por autor: Eppens, Laura Karina.
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Gravitational energy and radiation of a charged black hole

Luciano Combi and Gustavo E Romero.

Serie: Trabajos publicados del IAR ; no. 1411

Resumen: We investigate the energy configuration of a charged black hole in the teleparallel framework of general relativity. We obtain the energy—momentum tensor of the gravitational field in a stationary frame, and we calculate its contribution to the total energy of the system. We study the same gravitational field measured by an accelerated frame and we analyze how the energy—momentum tensor is transformed. We found that in the accelerated frame, a Poynting-like flux appears for the gravitational field but not for the electromagnetic field

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Classical and quantum gravity ISSN 0264-9381 — Vol. 34, (2017), p. 195008
Registro 001575 · Modificado: 28/12/2017

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