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Gamma-rays from massive protostars

Gustavo E. Romero and Anabella T. Araudo.

Serie: Trabajos publicados del IAR ; no. 938

High Energy Phenomena in Massive Stars. Jaen (Spain), 2-5 February 2009.

Resumen: Massive protostars have associated bipolar outflows with velocities of hundreds of km/s. Such outflows produce strong shocks when interact with the ambient medium leading to regions of non-thermal radio emission. Under certain conditions, the population of relativistic particles accelerated at the terminal shocks of the protostellar jets can produce significant gamma-ray emission. We estimate the conditions necessary for high-energy emission in the non-thermal hot spots of jets associated with massive protostars embedded in dense molecular clouds. Our results show that particle-matter interactions can lead to the detection of molecular clouds hosting massive young stellar objects by the Fermi satellite at MeV-GeV energies and even by Cherenkov telescope arrays in the GeV-TeV range. Astronomy at gamma-rays can be used to probe the physical conditions in star forming regions and particle acceleration processes in the complex environment of massive molecular clouds

Publicado en

High energy phenomena in massive stars. — San Francisco(Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series.) — Vol. 422, (2010), p. 100.
Registro 001041 · Modificado: 12/02/2014

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