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X-ray spectral analysis of the microquasar 1E 1740.7-2942

E. A. Saavedra ... [et al.].

Serie: Trabajos publicados del IAR ; no. 1705

Resumen: We present the results of the study of the X-ray emission of the microquasar 1E1740.7-2942, known as "the Great Annihilator". The observation was made on 14 May 2021 and had a duration of 44 ks. The temporal analysis shows a low variability behaviour around 12.57 ± 0.64 c/s. The spectral analysis indicates that a power-law model plus a blackbody is sufficient to describe the spectrum. The power-law index (E-Î") is Î" ≈ 1.8 and the associated blackbody temperature is ≈ 0.3 keV. We propose an interpretation of the spectrum based on a relativistic jet and a hot corona, and infer the corresponding physical parameters

Publicado en

Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía ISSN 0571-3285 — Vol. 63, (2022), p. 274-276
Registro 001922 · Modificado: 08/11/2022

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