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High-energy flares from jet-clump interactions

Anabella T. Araudo, Valenti Bosch-Ramon and Gustavo E. Romero.

Serie: Trabajos publicados del IAR ; no. 977

Proceeding of the conference "High Energy Phenomena in Massive Stars". Jaen (Spain), 2-5 February 2009.

Resumen: High-mass microquasars are binary systems composed by a massive star and a compact object from which relativistic jets are launched. Regarding the companion star, observational evidence supports the idea that winds of hot stars are formed by clumps. Then, these inhomogeneities may interact with the jets producing a flaring activity. In the present contribution we study the interaction between a jet and a clump of the stellar wind in a high-mass microquasar. This interaction produces a shock in the jet, where particles may be accelerated up to relativistic energies. We calculate the spectral energy distributions of the dominant non-thermal processes: synchrotron radiation, inverse Compton scattering, and proton-proton collisions. Significant levels of X- and gamma-ray emission are predicted, with luminosities in the different domains up to [aprox.] 10[elevado a la]{34} - 10[elevado a la]{35} erg/s on a timescale of about [aprox.] 1 h. Finally, jet-clump interactions in high-mass microquasars could be detectable at high energies. These phenomena may be behind the fast TeV variability found in some high-mass X-ray binary systems, such as Cygnus X-1, LS 5039 and LS I+61 303. In addition, our model can help to derive information on the properties of jets and clumpy winds

Publicado en

High energy phenomena in massive stars. — San Francisco(Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series.) ISSN 9781583817247. — Vol. 422, (2010), p. 32.
Registro 001078 · Modificado: 27/06/2013

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