- Investigador Superior
Temas de Investigación:
- Astrofísica de Rayos Gamma, Remanentes de Supernova, Variabilidad Continua de Blazares, Micro Cuasares, Astrofísica de Rayos Cósmicos, Objetos Relativistas, Filosofía de la Ciencia.
Integrante del grupo GARRA
- Profesor Titular en las materias: Filosofía Científica, Introducción a la Astrofísica Relativista e Introducción a la Astrofísica de Agujeros Negros. FCAG-UNLP
- romero (at),
- romero (at)
- CV
- ORCID: 0000-0002-5260-1807
- Interno: 112
- Google Scholar
- SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
- Datos del autor
Publicaciones en el repositorio CONICET Digital
Identifying frequency de-correlated dust residuals in B -mode maps by exploiting the spectral capability of bolometric interferometry Autores: -Regnier, M. -Manzan, E. -Hamilton, Jean christophe -Mennella, A. -Errard, J. -Zapelli, L. -Torchinsky, S. A. -Paradiso, S. -Battistelli, E. -De Bernardis, P. -Colombo, L. -De Petris, M. -D’Alessandro, G. -Garcia, Beatriz Elena -Gervasi, Maria Gracia -Masi, Silvia -Mousset, L. -Mirón Granese, Nahuel Omar -O’Sullivan, Créidhe -Piat, M. -Rasztocky, Emiliano -Romero, Gustavo Esteban -Scoccola, Claudia Graciela Zannoni, M. Fecha: 2024-06-01Simultaneous NICER and NuSTAR observations of the ultraluminous source NGC 4190 ULX-1 Autores: -Combi, Jorge Ariel -Fogantini, Federico Adrián -Saavedra, Enzo Agustin -Romero, Gustavo Esteban -Abaroa, Leandro -García, Federico -Luque Escamilla, Pedro L. -Martí, Josep Cruz Sanchez, , Nelson Fecha: 2024-06-01General Relativistic magneto-hydrodynamical simulations of accretion flows through traversable wormholes Autores: -Combi, Luciano -Yang, Huan -Gutiérrez, Eduardo Mario -Noble, Scott C. -Romero, Gustavo Esteban Campanelli, Manuela Fecha: 2024-05-01Search for radio halos in starburst galaxies Fecha: 2024-03-01A high-energy study of the supernova remnant G296.5+10.0 Autores: -Eppens, Laura Karina -Combi, Jorge Ariel -Reynoso, Estela Marta -García, Federico -Mestre, E. -Abaroa, Leandro -Romero, Gustavo Esteban -Luque Escamilla, Pedro L. Martí, J. Fecha: 2024-02-01Super Winds and Radio Emission in X-ray Binary Systems Autores: -Abaroa, Leandro Romero, Gustavo Esteban Fecha: 2024-02-01Search for extraplanar radio emission in a sample of edge-on starburst galaxies Fecha: 2024-01-01Lessons from the apparent peculiar nature of the star TYC 6544-3483-1 Autores: -Martí, Josep -Luque Escamilla, Pedro L. -Marcote, Benito -Del Ser, Daniel -Romero, Gustavo Esteban Peri, Cintia Soledad Fecha: 2024-01-01Investigating the Role of Pre-supernova Massive Stars in the Acceleration of Galactic Cosmic Rays Autores: -De Becker, M. -del Palacio, Santiago -Benaglia, Paula -Tej, A. -Marcote, Benito -Romero, Gustavo Esteban -Bosch Ramon, Valentí Ishwara Chandra, C. H. Fecha: 2024-01-01The Multipurpose Interferometric Array and the development of its technological demonstrator Autores: -Gancio Gonzalez, Guillermo Matias -Romero, Gustavo Esteban -Benaglia, Paula -González, J. M. -Rasztocky, Emiliano -Command, Juan Hugo Cesar -Valdez, Gaston Alejandro -Tarcetti, Ana Evelina Yael -Hauscarriaga, Fernando Pablo -Alarcon, Pablo Javier -Aquino, Esteban Facundo -Alí, Maximiliano Andrés -Capuccio, Darío -Cabral, Luca Federico -Contreras, Matias Lautaro -Diaz, Eliseo David -Duarte, Nahuel -Garcia, Leandro Manuel -Perilli, Daniel Oscar -Otonello, Pablo Spagnolo, Santiago Javier Fecha: 2024-01-01NuSTAR and XMM-Newton observations of the binary 4FGL J1405.1-6119 A γ-ray-emitting microquasar? Autores: -Saavedra, Enzo Agustin -Fogantini, Federico Adrián -Escobar, Gastón Javier -Romero, Gustavo Esteban -Combi, Jorge Ariel Marcel, Estefania Fecha: 2023-12-01La falacia de apelación a lo natural Autores:Romero, Gustavo Esteban Fecha: 2023-10-01Achromatic rapid flares in hard X-rays in the γ-ray binary LS I + 61 303 Fecha: 2023-10-01Prospects for Detecting Fast Transients with the Radio Telescopes of the Argentine Institute of Radio Astronomy Autores: -Araujo Furlan, Susana Beatriz -Zubieta, Ezequiel -Gancio Gonzalez, Guillermo Matias -Romero, Gustavo Esteban -del Palacio, Santiago -García, Federico -Lousto, Carlos Oscar Combi, Jorge Ariel Fecha: 2023-09-01The Multipurpose Interferometric Array and the development of its technological demonstrator Fecha: 2023-09-01Study of Variability in Long-term Multiwavelength Optical Lightcurves of Blazar AO 0235+164 Autores: -Roy, Abhradeep -Gupta, Alok C. -Chitnis, Varsha R. -Cellone, Sergio Aldo -Raiteri, Claudia M. -Romero, Gustavo Esteban -Wiita, Paul J. -Chatterjee, Anshu -Combi, Jorge Ariel -Liao, Mai -Sarkar, Arkadipta Villata, Massimo Fecha: 2023-03-01Preliminary results of a search for radio halos in starburst galaxies Fecha: 2023-01-01Hard X-ray view of the γ-ray binary LS I +61°303 Fecha: 2023-01-01Persisting black holes in a bouncing universe Autores: -Pérez, Daniela Romero, Gustavo Esteban Fecha: 2022-01-01Search for rapid radio variability in a sample of gamma-ray emitting blazars with the radio telescopes of IAR Fecha: 2022-01-01Colliding winds in ultraluminous X-ray sources Fecha: 2022-01-01Microcuásares como fuentes de rayos cósmicos Fecha: 2021-07-01Current status of the QUBIC experiment Autores: -Scoccola, Claudia Graciela -Almela, Daniel Alejandro -Arnaldi, Luis Horacio -Aumont, J. -Azzoni, S. -Banfi, S. -Bélier, B. -Battistelli, E. S. -Baú, A. -Cobos Cerutti, Agustin Cleto -Duca, Clara -Etchegoyen, Alberto -Fasciszewski, A. -Ferreyro, Luciano Pablo -Fracchia, Diego -Gamboa Lerena, Martín Miguel -Garcia, Beatriz Elena -García Redondo, Manuel Elías -Gomez Berisso, Mariano -González, M. -Hampel, Matias Rolf -Harari, Diego Dario -Kristukat, C. -Melo, L. D. -Pastoriza, Hernan -Platino, Manuel -Rasztocky, Emiliano -Romero, Gustavo Esteban -Salum, J. Supanitsky, Alberto Daniel Fecha: 2021-01-01Non-thermal processes in the bow shocks of hyper-velocity stars Fecha: 2021-01-01Interactions of equatorial winds in super-Eddington stellar sources Fecha: 2021-01-01What is Materialism? History and Concepts Fecha: 2019-01-01A model for the non-thermal emission of the very massive colliding-wind binary HD 93129A Fecha: 2016-01-01Black hole mimickers Fecha: 2016-01-01Accretion Disks Around Kerr Black Holes In Modified Gravity Fecha: 2015-01-01Exploring Cosmic Rays Ionization Power Fecha: 2015-01-01Gravitational entropy of a Kerr black hole Autores: -Pérez, Daniela Romero, Gustavo Esteban Fecha: 2015-01-01Neutron production in black hole coronae Fecha: 2013-01-01AE Aurigae: first detection of non-thermal x-ray emission from a bow shock produced by a runaway star Autores: -López Santiago, J. -Miceli, M. -del Valle, Maria Victoria -Romero, Gustavo Esteban -Bonito, R. -Albacete Colombo, Juan Facundo -Pereira, V. -de Castro, E. Damiani, F. Fecha: 2012-09-01Radiation from matter entrainment in astrophysical jets: the AGN case Fecha: 2012-01-01Gamma-ray emission from Wolf-Rayet stars interacting with AGN jets Fecha: 2012-01-01A Model for the High-Energy Emission from Blazars Fecha: 2012-01-01High-energy radiation from T-Tauri stars Fecha: 2011-01-01Exploring the association of Fermi sources with Young Stellar Objects Fecha: 2011-01-01Modeling TeV gamma-rays from LS 5039: An active OB star at the extreme Fecha: 2011-01-01Multiwavelength study of the intriguing massive star CPD-59 2629 (Tr 16-22) Autores: -Combi, Jorge Ariel -Albacete Colombo, Juan Facundo -Luque Escamilla, Pedro L. -Romero, Gustavo Esteban -Gamen, Roberto Claudio -Benaglia, Paula -Martí, Josep -Lopez Santiago, J. -E. Sanchez Ayaso -Muñoz Arjonilla, Álvaro José Sánchez Sutil, Juan R. Fecha: 2011-01-01Gamma-ray flares from black hole coronae Fecha: 2011-01-01On the reprocessing of gamma-rays produced by jets Fecha: 2011-01-01Gravitational waves from precessing engines in GRBs Fecha: 2011-01-01Transient high-energy flares from accreting black holes Fecha: 2011-01-01Hacia una integración radioastronómica con Brasil: Proyecto LLAMA Autores: -Arnal, Edmundo Marcelo -Morras, Ricardo -Dubner, Gloria Mabel -Giacani, Elsa Beatriz -Mirabel, Felix Igor -Romero, Gustavo Esteban -Lepine, Jacques -Abraham, Zulema Gouveia dal Pino, E. M. Fecha: 2011-01-01Flares from galactic black holes Fecha: 2011-01-01Transient gamma-ray emission from Cygnus x-3 Fecha: 2011-01-01Thermodynamics of regular black hole interiors Autores: -Correa, Camila A. -Romero, Gustavo Esteban -Pérez, Daniela Perez Bergliaffa, Santiago Esteban Fecha: 2011-01-01Non thermal emission from T Tauri stars Fecha: 2011-01-01High-temporal resolution optical observations of the gamma-ray blazar PG 1553+113 Autores: -Andruchow, Ileana -Combi, Jorge Ariel -Cellone, Sergio Aldo -Muñoz Arjonilla, A. J. -Romero, Gustavo Esteban Martí, Josep Fecha: 2011-01-01Philosophical problems of space-time theories Autores:Romero, Gustavo Esteban Fecha: 2011-01-01Transient gamma-ray emission from Cygnus X-3 Fecha: 2010-01-01Gamma-Rays from Massive Protostars Fecha: 2010-01-01High-energy flares from jet-clump interactions Fecha: 2010-01-01Gamma rays from massive protostars Fecha: 2010-01-01Young Stellar Objects as possible counterparts of Fermi sources Fecha: 2010-01-01Jet-cloud interactions in AGNs Fecha: 2010-01-01Gamma-Ray Variability from Stellar Wind Porosity in Microquasar Systems Fecha: 2010-01-01The environs of the massive runaway star BD+43 3654 Fecha: 2010-01-01Electromagnetic Cascades in Magnetized Media Fecha: 2010-01-01The proton microquasar Fecha: 2009-01-01High-energy emission in low-mass microquasars Fecha: 2009-01-01Non-thermal radiation from galactic black hole coronae Fecha: 2009-01-01Using gamma-rays to probe the clumped structure of stellar winds Autores: -Romero, Gustavo Esteban -Owocki, S. P. -Araudo, Anabella Teresa -Townsend, R. H. D. Benaglia, Paula Fecha: 2009-01-01Gamma-rays from star forming regions Autores:Romero, Gustavo Esteban Fecha: 2009-01-01Jet-cloud interactions in the BLR of Centaurus A Fecha: 2009-01-01On the nature of the episodic gamma-ray flare observed in Cygnus X-1 Fecha: 2009-01-01Non-thermal emission from massive YSOs: exploring the spectrum at high energies Fecha: 2009-01-01Non-thermal processes in colliding-wind massive binaries: the contribution of Simbol-X to a multiwavelength investigation Autores: -De Becker, Michaël -Blomme, Ronny -Micela, Giusi -Pittard, Julian M. -Rauw, Gregor -Romero, Gustavo Esteban -Sana, Hugues Stevens, Ian R. Fecha: 2009-01-01High-Energy Emission from Accreting Black Holes with High-Mass Donor Stars Fecha: 2008-01-01Gamma-radiation from the cluster Abell 3376 Fecha: 2008-01-01Gamma-ray emission from jet-clump interaction Fecha: 2008-01-01Lepto-hadronic models of high-energy radiation from microquasars: application to GX 339-4 Fecha: 2008-01-01High-energy emission from the galaxy cluster Abell 3376 Fecha: 2008-01-01Models for gamma-ray production in low-mass microquasars Fecha: 2008-01-01Sites for Gamma-ray Astronomy in Argentina Autores: -Rovero, Adrian Carlos -Romero, Gustavo Esteban -Allekotte, Ingomar -Bertou, Xavier Pierre Louis -Colombo, E. -Etchegoyen, Alberto -Garcia, Beatriz Elena -Garcia Lambas, Diego Rodolfo -Levato, Hugo -Medina, Maria Clementina -Muriel, Hernan Recabarren, Pablo Genaro Antonio Fecha: 2008-01-01Gamma-ray emission from massive young stellar objects: the case of IRAS 16547-4247 Fecha: 2008-01-01A model for gamma-ray sources in the galactic halo Fecha: 2007-01-01Gamma-Ray Emission from Microquasars: Leptonic vs. Hadronic Models Autores: -Romero, Gustavo Esteban -Bosch Ramon, Valentí -Paredes, Josep Maria Orellana, Mariana Dominga Fecha: 2007-01-01Spectral and variability properties of LS 5039 from radio to very high-energy gamma-rays Fecha: 2007-01-01